Jordan my love...



Through my work, I have had the chance to travel regularly to Jordan for more than 10 years. Last fall, I finally took a little time to photograph this beautiful country. The landscapes are contrasted between the green hills of the north, the Sandy desert in the east which becomes reddish on the side of Wadi Ram in the south… Jordanian culture remains resolutely oriental in small towns and villages. There, we take tea with a hookah,we spend time on public squares to discuss the marriage of the last child as of the international political situation, we help each other in the face of the vagaries of life. As a Frenchman, I feel their concern about the perception we Westerners have of their country, of Islam. Every year I discover, behind their apparent pride, their fragility and their fear of being misunderstood. Our cultures are quite different but bridges are possible…




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